6th August 2002
Senior Member BS.Player Power User | | Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 156
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Capture picture function disabled ??
Did anybody try to produce a snapshot with 'P' or shift+'P' on a WinXP system?
I tried with all versions since .479 with OGM and AVI (both containing XVid coded material). I know it had worked before on my Win98SE (  ) system, switched some weeks ago to eXPerienced.
I need images from chapters for the cbf file.
On the ReadMe file from Zoomplayer I read that M$ changed something with the videosystem in XP. I was looking there for a way to to do my snapshots with that player, but it only says that you have to configure the filter (sorry, which filter??) manually.
Keep forum organized and use the search button !! :o