4th March 2004
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1
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Still bugs with BSI/INI files
Two little things:
a/ The AUDIO=x parameters of the option section still does not work for x>1 in realease 807.
In my particular case winxp /sp1 setting audio to 2 (Audio=2) blocks BSPLAYER.
BsPLAYER process has to be cancelled via the task manager.
b/As this has already been said in another topic the FULLSCREEN=1|0 parameter works as a toogle switch with the other fullscreen parameter of the menu=>options=>preferences =>video=>Always start in fullscreen mode.
As a consequence two requests for fullscreen (options and bsi/ini) generate a deskscreen !!
But I can live very well with that for a while and my best thanks and appreciation for this excellent free player.