22nd March 2004
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Mar 2004
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No sound running large file
When attempting to watch the windows media file found at http://news.gaminghorizon.com/media/1055527276.html, which is about 160MB, the video worked fine, but there was no audio at all. Actually, I had the same problem with winamp, which is what led me to download your software -- on recommendation from a friend. WMplayer and realplayer, in contrast, ran the video and audio simultaniously at unacceptably low framerates.
My suspicion was and still is that my computer is simply too slow to have both (video and audio) and still run the movies at a resonable speed. My guess is that bsplayer is simply prioritizing the video over the audio and therefore never gets around to displaying the latter because of my outdated celeron processor's slow performance.
I am running windows98, and wanted to know if this sort of thing has happened before, and if your programmers have found a solution to the problem.
Thankyou for your time.