14th August 2002
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Aug 2002
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DSP Plugins not working on certain output device
I try to use Enhancer 0.17 with my BS 490 running on XP, but there's a major problem with that - Plugin actually works only when output device is set to default, otherwise, it won't. As with my via686 onboard soundcard (no hw accell, no hw buffers) default means to be wave out, and as it's implementation is known to suck on XPs, using DSP plugins costs me additional CPU power, about 20% of my Duron700, while when using winamp's directsound output plugin, everything is fine and cpu load hardly goes to 1%. I think I saw it working correctly also in BS, but this had been messed up in some (i really don't remember which one) version prior to 490 and probably 488 too. I'm not only user that encounters this problem, I also saw another post on this in suggestions forum. Could it be fixed again?