BSplayer v1.00.810, Unhandled exception at EIP: 1C213C36
If you click 'Close' application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
Invalid floating point operation
, 0x0054149F, 0x0054169D, 0x0045554B, 0x0044C896, 0x77D43A50, 0x77D43B1F, 0x77D45B2C, 0x77D45F73, 0x004B8D2D, 0x0044C896, 0x77D43A50, 0x77D43B1F, 0x77D43D79, 0x77D44374, 0x00542FBD, 0x77E814C7
Bytes at EIP: DE F9 51 51 8D 45 44 DD 1C 24 50 E8 CA CA FF FF DD D8
While opening file
File plays fine in intervideo windvd