I need subtitles for the HDTV movies (ts container format for mpeg2 streams, 1960x1080i pixels) so I want play then using BSplayer and not PowerDVD v6.
Using BSplayer v1.30 it need set the overlay to mode2 (overlay mixer) and then it play - with jerking (broken decoding acceleration, obviously, and I have only PR3600+ machine, so it can't make it just by CPU...) to stop the crashes that happen when one use the overlay mode 1 to try the mpeg2 HDTV playback.
And VMR-9 worked too, just the picture is not resized to window size and I did not have ATM such resolution, so... Usless at best. But at least it worked.
BSPlay 1.35 crashed using overlay mode 1 on the HDTV stuff as well, but in keep crashing on the overlay mode 2 too...!!! Now that is a step back for sure... :? :(
And since it keep crashing on VMR-9 too (!!!), I see this as step back from 1.30 for sure. At least for me and for HDTV stuff to play.
If you lack HDTV, then use newsgroups to find out how video at 1960x1080i pixels can look
- and BSplayer can't play it... :roll: