7th June 2006
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 2
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Annoying Taskbar Button Problem
ok when i start a movie in BSPlayer or just start it up in general without a movie playing right away the main window comes up and theres a taskbar button. now i hit H to hide it to the tray and its fine. then i play a video and when the movie window comes up (main window still hidden to tray) theres a taskbar button and so i hit H twice to bring up the main window and rehide it and the button goes away. now i full screen the video and then finish watching and when i come back from full screen the taskbar button is back. after a few times of having to rehide it it works the way i want it to, it stays hidden even when full screening and cming back from full screen. i just want the taskbar button to stay hidden and not keep showing up out of the blue like that. i dont use the main window and only use keyboard keys for some basic functions. i do the same for winamp and it stays hidden down in the tray fine.