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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 25th March 2007
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Default BsPlayer 2.15 Skips Frames


Recently I've upgraded my computer and since then I've been experiencing the following issue:
I'm using BsPlayer 2.15 (build 943) and while playing a video file (doesn't matter what type), after a while the player begins to skip frames from time to time.
I have to mention that I'm using DivX 6.5.1, XviD 1.1.2 and AC3 Filter 1.11 codecs. I experience this issue with Windows Media Player and DivX Player too. Winamp and VLC Player are the only ones that don't behave that way (but I don't want to give up BsPlayer, as I'm very comfortable with its interface and features).
Is there a way I can solve this problem?
You can find in my signature my current system's configuration (before upgrading to this I had a Gigabyte GA-7VA Motherboard, GeForce FX 5200 Video Card and BsPlayer was working perfectly).

Thank you in advance.
BsPlayer Pro 2.15 Build 943
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 25th March 2007
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1. Wich decoder it's used ? DivX or XviD decoder ?
2. VLC and Winamp use internal filter system, are not based on direct show filters like BSPlayer and WMP, so the problem it's clearly related to codecs/filters
3. Did you also changed the sound card meanwhile ?

Incearca pe un fisier anume, vezi daca fenomenul se reproduce in acelasi loc.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 25th March 2007
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Originally Posted by adicoto
1. Wich decoder it's used ? DivX or XviD decoder ?
2. VLC and Winamp use internal filter system, are not based on direct show filters like BSPlayer and WMP, so the problem it's clearly related to codecs/filters
3. Did you also changed the sound card meanwhile ?

Incearca pe un fisier anume, vezi daca fenomenul se reproduce in acelasi loc.

1. I think that it's using Xvid decoder (I'm saying that because I've installed Xvid after DivX and said "yes" when it asked me whether it should handle all known file types or not). Is there another way to find out which decoder is used?
3. The sound card is onboard. I've upgraded my motherboard, so I also have a new soundcard.

I've tried to play a specific file and each time I play it, the problem occurs on a different spot.
(I'm using "Forceware 93.71" drivers for my video card (these are the latest) - could this be an issue?)

What else could I do?

Multumesc mult pentru sfaturi.
BsPlayer Pro 2.15 Build 943
Windows Xp SP 2
ASUS P5PL2-E Motherboard,
Intel Pentium 4 (3 Ghz) Processor,
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 25th March 2007
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Hmmm. Looks like I'm having sound problems too. If I pause the playback in Winamp, when resuming, I'm getting a disturbing noise. I have to hit pause again and resume to get rid of that issue (this happens in Winamp only; I mention that I have installed the OctiMax 1.51 DSP Plug-in for Winamp)
Could all of these (including the problems listed above) be related?

Thank you.
BsPlayer Pro 2.15 Build 943
Windows Xp SP 2
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 25th March 2007
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That's why I've asked about changing the sound card. This problem may be related to the audio drivers/hardware acceleration. Please play one of those files and rightclick->options->filters->advanced and post here the filters used to decode, audio and video too.
You can try to uninstall the plugin.
Can you also seek for an updated audio driver.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 25th March 2007
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Originally Posted by adicoto
That's why I've asked about changing the sound card. This problem may be related to the audio drivers/hardware acceleration. Please play one of those files and rightclick->options->filters->advanced and post here the filters used to decode, audio and video too.
You can try to uninstall the plugin.
Can you also seek for an updated audio driver.
I have the latest audio driver from ASUS official site.
About OctiMax plug-in: I'm almost 100% sure that this is not related to my problem, as BsPlayer behaved this way before installing OctiMAx. Anyway, I'll uninstall it and see if there's any difference.
I've attached 2 print screens with the filters you've asked me about. The first one is for a .mpg file and the second is for an .avi file (both type of files experience "skip frames" phenomenon).
Should I post more settings about every filter?

Multumesc mult.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg mpg_649.jpg (45.9 KB, 4102 views)
BsPlayer Pro 2.15 Build 943
Windows Xp SP 2
ASUS P5PL2-E Motherboard,
Intel Pentium 4 (3 Ghz) Processor,
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 25th March 2007
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... and the second one ...
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BsPlayer Pro 2.15 Build 943
Windows Xp SP 2
ASUS P5PL2-E Motherboard,
Intel Pentium 4 (3 Ghz) Processor,
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2007
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N, no more details needed about filters. Still one question: do you use the optical drive for playback or the hard drive ?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2007
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Originally Posted by adicoto
N, no more details needed about filters. Still one question: do you use the optical drive for playback or the hard drive ?
I use the hard drive.
BsPlayer Pro 2.15 Build 943
Windows Xp SP 2
ASUS P5PL2-E Motherboard,
Intel Pentium 4 (3 Ghz) Processor,
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2007
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I've also uninstalled OctiMAx. The problem with the sound is still there. :(
BsPlayer Pro 2.15 Build 943
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ASUS P5PL2-E Motherboard,
Intel Pentium 4 (3 Ghz) Processor,
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2007
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Could all of this point to a hardware problem after all?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2007
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And one more thing: my "Program Files" folder is located on a different drive than the system's drive (I've changed that right after installing windows). Is it possible that BsPlayer or the codecs aren't comfortable with this? (all of my stuff (including drivers) is installed on D:\Program Files; Windows is on C:\windows).

Multumesc mult.
BsPlayer Pro 2.15 Build 943
Windows Xp SP 2
ASUS P5PL2-E Motherboard,
Intel Pentium 4 (3 Ghz) Processor,
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2007
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I don't think there is a problem with BSPlayer on another partion than windows.
Can you try to disable hardware acceleration ? For the soundcard.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2007
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Originally Posted by adicoto
I don't think there is a problem with BSPlayer on another partion than windows.
Can you try to disable hardware acceleration ? For the soundcard.
I've tried to do that, but it seems that I can't find any hardware acceleration settings for my soundcard (I've attached a print screen with the general settings). Is it possible that hardware acceleration isn't supported?
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File Type: jpg soundmax_299.jpg (37.1 KB, 4055 views)
BsPlayer Pro 2.15 Build 943
Windows Xp SP 2
ASUS P5PL2-E Motherboard,
Intel Pentium 4 (3 Ghz) Processor,
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2007
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Control panel->sound and audio device->advanced
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2007
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Originally Posted by adicoto
Control panel->sound and audio device->advanced
Man, you're good. If I change hardware acceleration settings to "basic acceleration", the sound problem in Winamp dissapears (BsPlayer still experiences "skip frames" phenomenon, but with some visible improvements). If I completely disable hardware acceleration, BsPlayer works just fine (but Winamp experiences decrease in sound quality). Anyway, seems like this is the best way to get rid of the "skip frames" problem.

Multumesc mult inca o data pentru sfaturi si rabdare :)

I would have one last question to add (in case you haven't lost your patience yet). What is "hardware acceleration"?
And as a conclusion, should I understand that all of these troubles were caused by the poor quality of my soundcard ? (I'm saying that thinking at the "disabled hardware acceleration" solution (I'm not sure if this is correct as I'm not very familiar with the "hardware acceleration" term)). Could a better soundcard solve these problems without disabling hardware acceleration?
BsPlayer Pro 2.15 Build 943
Windows Xp SP 2
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 27th March 2007
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Hardware acceleration is used to demand specific routines to dedicated processors to not load your computer CPU, in case of Audio acceleration, the audio is processed by to sound chip instead of the CPU, this will leave CPU more power to process other tasks (same applies to Graphics acceleration, instead of loading CPU cycles for the video rendering, it's all demanded to the GPU)
Sometimes this achieve also better results since the dedicated processor can handle this computation really faster (since it's dedicated to that purpose) and achieve even more powerful features (never heard of pixel shaders in video games? they are used to improve the video rendered scene, and all that instructions are handled by the dedicated GPU)

Disabling harware acceleration means that CPU cycles will be used to process the audio output, but anyway the CPU load for audio output is not so heavy ;)

Maybe your audio card is good enought and the problem lays in bad coded drivers... if newer driver exists for your card then update them (note that not always updating the drivers means to improve the performance of the device, especially with multi devices drivers)
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 27th March 2007
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Nu, nu mi-am pierdut rabdarea :D
Basically, this is driver's fault not soundcard's. We can't even say soundcard as it's just an on-board "codec". This is a CPU based decoder (normally it does not have hardware acceleration).
So, search for updated drivers, it is possible to get rid of that problem.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 27th March 2007
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Originally Posted by adicoto
Nu, nu mi-am pierdut rabdarea :D
Basically, this is driver's fault not soundcard's. We can't even say soundcard as it's just an on-board "codec". This is a CPU based decoder (normally it does not have hardware acceleration).
So, search for updated drivers, it is possible to get rid of that problem.
I see. Well, I'll just wait for new drivers (now I have the latest ones). Until then I'll just play with the hardware acceleration settings.

Multumesc mult inca o data pentru toate explicatiile si sfaturile pe care mi le-ai dat (sa nu uit de timpul pretios acordat).
BsPlayer Pro 2.15 Build 943
Windows Xp SP 2
ASUS P5PL2-E Motherboard,
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 27th March 2007
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Originally Posted by Tizio
Hardware acceleration is used to demand specific routines to dedicated processors to not load your computer CPU, in case of Audio acceleration, the audio is processed by to sound chip instead of the CPU, this will leave CPU more power to process other tasks (same applies to Graphics acceleration, instead of loading CPU cycles for the video rendering, it's all demanded to the GPU)
Sometimes this achieve also better results since the dedicated processor can handle this computation really faster (since it's dedicated to that purpose) and achieve even more powerful features (never heard of pixel shaders in video games? they are used to improve the video rendered scene, and all that instructions are handled by the dedicated GPU)

Disabling harware acceleration means that CPU cycles will be used to process the audio output, but anyway the CPU load for audio output is not so heavy ;)

Maybe your audio card is good enought and the problem lays in bad coded drivers... if newer driver exists for your card then update them (note that not always updating the drivers means to improve the performance of the device, especially with multi devices drivers)
I understand. Thank you so much.
BsPlayer Pro 2.15 Build 943
Windows Xp SP 2
ASUS P5PL2-E Motherboard,
Intel Pentium 4 (3 Ghz) Processor,
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Kingmax 1 Gb DDRAM II
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