6th November 2007
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 2
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Weird Taskbar Button Problem
i dont know what to call this one for a topic but here goes .....
when i first open BSPlayer it shows the control window and since i never use the buttons on the actual interface but rather use keyboard buttons i hide it, or minimize it to tray. well the first time i open a video then go full screen and when done i exit full screen mode theres a taskbar button there. now if while the video is still open i hit H (hide main window) twice, to show main window then rehide it again it goes away. then if i full screen the video and come out of full screen again then its gone and works that way for every video after that. but if i close BSPlayer again and reopen it it does it all again.
i want when i open BSPlayer for it to open minimized and stay minimized or at the least stay minimized after i first hit H to hide the main window.
Winamp opens to the tray and stays there.