6th January 2008
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jan 2008
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BS Player causing Vista to lose standards
Hello everyone,
i hope someone could repeat this, or even better, give me a solution for it.
Everytime i open the preferences, Vista drops my standards. In my case its Firefox and Thunderbird, that are reset to IE and OE (now called Windows Mail). Even files associated with BSPlayer (.m4v in my case) are disassociated with BSPlayer after opening preferences again. I assume there are more things that are reset, which i dont recognize, because they dont bother me. But this is annoying enough. At least i do know now, what causes this, it was even more annoying, when i still didn't know what the cause was.
I'm using version 2.24 but the problem was present in every previous version i used too. Vista Business. The Problem is present on 2 separate Computers, which only share Vista Business (Laptop Acer Travelmate 660 and Desktop PC with Logitech Keyboard & Mouse, ASUS P35KC Board, HIS Ati Radeon X2600)
Thanks for looking in to it