3rd September 2008
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: May 2007
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[SOLVED] BS.Player incorectly zooms non-16:9 video
Hey everyone. I'm a longtime bsplayer user and have had this problem for quite a long time. What happens is that bsplayer zooms in whenever I play a file that has a non-16:9 aspect ratio. My display is 16:9 so this fills the screen but it's not what I want to happen as it crops out part of the video.
I correct this by manually clicking Pan-Scan\Auto every time I play such a file, but doing this for every video is pretty tiresome.
In Settings I have "Remember Pan-Scan settings" checked; that seems to be the only relevant option.
I'm using the latest version of bsplayer on Vista. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?