19th November 2008
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Nov 2006
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[FIXED] Remember last movie position for ALL movies
I'm using Version 2.31.973
I have checked "Remember last movie position" and "Remember movie settings", but it only starts from the last position of the last movie played.
A file named bsplay.sav is created, with settings for all movies played, including "mpos", which is always 0, regardless of the position in the movie at which bsplayer was closed.
If I change a movie's corresponding "mpos" to a random value, that movie (not the last one) starts from further in the timeline.
This means that bsplayer can read last movie position for all files, but doesn't saves it. The last position of the last movie played is saved to BSplayer.xml, in "LastPos", not in bsplay.sav, which has mpos=0 for all movies
Is this a bug or a feature?:)
I would like for bsplayer to remember last movie position for ALL movies!
Thank you