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General Talk And Support General talk and peer-to-peer support about BS.Player and other video and audio multimedia players.

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Old 17th January 2005
BSPeter's Avatar
BS.Player Master
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: The Netherlands
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Please help your fellow-BSPlayer-users to help you !
(Note words or numbers in this color represent a direct link which you can click on.)

Please DO take the trouble to read the topics covered in this post!
Index of the topics covered below:
(1) Always mention BSPlayer's build-number (Where to download latest build?)
(2) Please also provide some info on your PC (e.g. CPU - Videocard)
(3) Find out (and mention) the codec used to create a videofile (and needed for playback)
(4) General advice not to use codec packs; first time user? some info on DivX, AC3-Filter and XviD; adicoto's list of codecs
(5) Do check out "Frequently Asked Questions"; Use "Search"
(6) Have a look at menu and options/preferences of BSPlayer
(7) Skins (where to find; how to make)
(8) ini/bsi-files ?
(9) Subtitles: which, how, utilities, download where ?
and further under "MISCELLANEOUS":
(a) Older/slower PC?; ffdshow?
(b) I wish to capture screens, but ...
(c) Color controls?
(d) Girder / WinLIRC / Remote controls / (Multimedia) keyboard?
(e) I don't have any sound any more!
(f) Where to buy BSPlayer Pro? ; How to register it?; Support?
(g) Updated language-files.

H E L P t o H E L P . b y . p r o v i d i n g . I N F O R M A T I O N !
When posting a new topic it surely helps if you ...:
... do not use expressions like "latest" or "newest" version, but instead always mention the actual BSPlayer's version ("Pro" or non-pro) but especially the number (and date) of its build (as shown in BSPlayer's "About box"), e.g. "Build 940, 21. Aug 2006". Preferably always update to the latest version/build first. (It could be that the newer version no longer has the "unwanted feature" you wish to let us know, or - the other way around - that it already has the feature you so much would like to have. New users can download BSPlayer from the official download page of BSPlayer;
... mention in your post not only the error-message, but also - if it might be of interest for your "problem" (moreoften than you perhaps think, it indeed is relevant) - some information on your PC's hard- and/or software: e.g. CPU, sound card, video card, your videocard's drivers and your DirectX version. Please note that BSPlayer requires DirectX version 7.0 or later. For VMR-9 (i.e. "Video Mixing Renderer 9", i.e. a part of DirectX 9 which replaces the Overlay Mixer and Video Renderer) it is obvious that version 9 or later is required. You can check this through [Start] > [Run] and then type dxdiag.exe followed by [Enter]; if your version is too old just click on "DirectX" here to download).
Note: If you have an older (lower capacity) PC it could be advisable not to use latest version of BSPlayer and codecs (see next item), but instead BSPlayer's version 0.86 Build 501 (of 16-09-2003) in combination with ffdshow (which replaces codecs); see the links in the first item (a) below "MISCELLANEOUS";
... make sure to include in your post the type of the (video)file, in which connection it is important to know that just mentioning that it is an .avi-file doesn't really help. To be able to help we need to know which codecs (for video- & audiocompression) are used for the moviefile. This information can easily be established by using (freeware) utilities like GSpot or Mediainfo or alternatively Avicodec or VideoInspector. For MP4 files you may use mp4UI instead. Then there also is Movie-id (which also covers ASF, WMP, MOV, DAT, OGM and RM) and if all these tell you that you've got the proper codecs installed, but you still have no picture, you may also try Sherlock, which has as added feature that it checks if codecs are properly installed in Windows. I personally use GSpot (only). For GSpot: you need to load the avi-file in GSpot (e.g. by "drag and drop"-ing it in GSpot's window), after which GSpot will tell you at the right hand side of its window which compatible codecs it found on your PC for the file in question. Further you should click [Render] at the bottom of GSpot's window to see the Video and Audio paths and then you can further "click for details". What is the info given by GSpot with respect to the 4CC video codec resp. the audio codec and what is the info if, after "Rendering Successful", you 'click for details' at the bottom of GSpot's window? If you click on filter/codec-name additional detail is available such as i.a. its version, which may also be of interest to know;
... also make sure to mention in your post which codecs/filters BSPlayer really uses for playback: this is shown by BSPlayer (with a video file loaded!) under (Rightclick >) "Options" > "Filters" > (Advanced);
... are aware that with respect to codecs, preferably stay away from codec-packs. Codec-packs do tempt users to install much more than necessary. In this connection note: "More" surely isn't equivalent to "better"! To the contrary! The art is knowing to restrict yourself! In most situations, you do not need to install codec/filter packs and certainly not every codec/filter and application that comes with these packs. In fact, it often causes problems if you install too many codecs/filters on your computer. It is highly recommended that you only install the codecs/filters that you need. (See the link to "adicoto's list of codecs" at the end of this item 4 for download addresses). If you nevertheless decide to use a codec-pack as a source for codecs/filters, at least be very selective and do make sure to make good use of the possibility offered by it to deselect components before installing!! Again, I personally think it is still better to separately download and individually install the various elements you need as opposed of doing that as part of a whole pack (also with possible future upgrading or uninstalling in mind).
First-time user? DivX-codec and AC3-Filter:
For users that are new to this, I would advise to start with a minimum installation (which is OK for playing most common avi's), i.e. DivX-codec, which - if you havn't already installed it - can be downloaded here. (Note: you only need the codec for playback, so you do NOT need to install the trial Pro-version and/or the DivX Player; also you do not need to "include Google", which are all included in this "bundle"; you can simply deselect these upon installation). [Special note to Win98 and WinMe users: do not install the latest DivX6 codec!]
After installation of DivX-codec please check settings on Tab "Quality", which can be reached directly through [Start] "Programs"/"DivX"/"DivX codec"/"Decoder configuration Utility". If "Support Generic Mpeg-4" is checked (selected) DivX-codec will e.g. also play XviD encoded movies.
With respect to audio, I would install AC3 filter as many movies have AC3 sound. Though current versions apparently also (in addition to AC3 sound) cover PCM sound/MPEG1-2 Audio Layer I/II formats, I don't use such newer versions myself so I've no experience with it. (Alternative site to download). (I still use old trusted stable version 0.70b which only covers AC3 sound, which suffices for me). To access AC3 filter's settings from BSPlayer (with videofile loaded) follow: (rightclick >) Options > Filters > Advanced. For general setting purposes you can also access it directly through: [Start] > Program files > AC3Filter > AC3Filter Config (This is valid for ver. 0.70b)
Also install XviD-codec?
You may decide to use XviD's codec (which can be downloaded i.a. here or alternatively here) to play XviD encoded movies (instead of letting DivX-codec handle these; see above). Then (to avoid possible conflicts) I advise to deselect "Decode all supported FourCCs (DivX, DX50, MP4V)" during XviD's installation (or later). Further, to make sure that BSPlayer indeed uses XviD-codec for XviD-encoded movies, you should uncheck the box "Support Generic Mpeg-4" of DivX-codec (see above).
Other codecs?
If e.g. GSpot (see item 3) informs you, that you havn't got a certain codec, check out adicoto's list of codecs (click here) (note: you must be logged in for this post);
... first check the "official" FAQ at BSPlayer's website or HackerWerger's "unofficial" FAQ and also check if there is no existing similar post of an earlier date, by using the Search-button and a well chosen keyword (preferably a single 'significant' keyword, e.g. "green" instead of "green screen", as this last one will also produce all posts with the word "screen" and NOT only the ones with "green screen"; you can also perform more advanced search-options by using AND, OR resp. NOT together with your keywords (as explained on screen after you've pressed Search-button);
... take some time to look at the various possibilities and options of BSPlayer. E.g. rightclick on BSPlayer's control panel and follow the several items (especially also those under "Options"/"Preferences"). (By the way: if you have no Intervideo AC3 installed: just forget about the page with that name under "Audio" as that page indeed only applies to Intervideo AC3 and e.g. not to AC3-filter)
When you reach "Key definitions & WinLIRC" and (perhaps being a bit "dazzled" by all those shortcuts for player's functions) you would like to have a better overview or to print them out or ...., perhaps check out this program (click here), made by Tizio;
... know that this website also has an excellent skins department where you can download (and upload) lots of skins.
If you would like to try and create your own new skin, please check out the ini-files of BSPlayer's "Base" skin (in folder "Base" of BSPlayer's "Skins" (sub)folder) and further you could have a look at Tizio's "BSP Skinmaker" and perhaps this post (same info but older) may also be of interest to you. Further some usefull info may also (still) be derived from the "Creation of Skins" page of kurtnoise, which - however - covers the "old skins" (for pre-version 1.x BSPlayer). Last, but not least, Kordo, a fellow BSPlayer-user and skins-creator, has made a guide "Creating your own skin for BSPlayer" (version 1.x), which is made available as an Adobe .pdf file under the link "Documentation" at the lefthand side of BSPlayer's skins pages. You can simply download it by right-clicking on that link followed by "Save target as" etc. (Mind you, the .pdf-file's size is 4,42 MB!). Alternatively use this link.
(BSPlayer skins can also be found elsewhere on the internet, e.g. here, here, here, here, and here);
... need some assistance creating .bsi (ini) files and/or .cbf (chapter) files, then Matimott's utilities Inimaker and/or Chapmaker could be of use to you (tutorial on site). Another utility to create bsi/ini-files is HWmaker. Also read "ini_files.html" in subfolder "doc" of BSPlayer's installation folder
(For .cbf (chapter) files you could also have a look at ChapterXtractor, e.g. here).
... know that BSPlayer (natively, i.e. without any external program) supports text-based subtitles, like "SubRip" .srt-files or .txt-files and "MicroDVD" .sub-files and "Sub Station Alpha" .ssa-files. BSPlayer will automatically play subtitles with the same file-name as the video-file. (For some additional info on loading/playing subtitles perhaps also check this thread.) You can check that the subtitle-file is text-based by opening it in e.g. Notepad. You should be able to read the text. The size of text-base subtitle-files usually is about 20-50 kB. If the size of a .sub-file is substantially larger (in MegaBytes as opposed to KiloBytes) it concerns VobSub (DVD) subtitles in a graphic (picture) format, which BSPlayer-versions upto build 823 didn't support natively. For those older versions you needed to either "rip" the subtitle to .srt-format using SubRip or e.g. install Vobsub/VSFilter, i.e. a utility to display these picture-based subs (Perhaps also see this post).
... Starting from build 825 native support for VobSub subtitles (both external and embedded) was added to BSPlayer, so there now is no further need for VSFilter!!
In this connection note, that there may arise conflicts if there are more programs/utilities installed that can display subtitles, like BSPlayer itself, VobSub/VSFilter and e.g. ffdshow (which can also display subtitles).
If your subtitles are "out of sync" you can use keyboard shortcuts to "time-shift" subtitles:
. Subtitles time correction -/+ (VobSub subtitles dec/inc delay)
. Subtitles time correction -/+ (small steps) (VobSub subtitles dec/inc speed)
(Also some skins have buttons just to do that.)
If you have BSPlayer Pro, you can also use its in-built subtitle-editor to change (text) subtitle-files permanently.
If you're using BSPlayer's Free version and still wish to permanently "time-shift" or "time-stretch" or "time-shrink" subtitles: there are several (free) subtitle-utilities available which can assist you at that. I personally always use Vladimir's subsync which is a very simple and basic utility, which does the job it is supposed to do perfectly for only three (text-based) types of subtitlefiles, i.e. SAMI, SubRib and MicroDVD or .smi, .srt and .sub. (For some indication on its use perhaps see this post).
Other subtitle utilities are (i.a.) Subtitle Workshop, Subtitles Translator or Winsubtitler (which is the successor of SubMax, the development of which is discontinued).
To obtain text-based subtitles for your movie, you can also try an appropriate download-site (for your language) out of this selection of 60+ subtitle sites:
(the numbers used have no meaning and do not indicate any preference)
(a) Many languages: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
(b) Bulgarian (02 also English, Spanish, French): 01, 02 (also check 14 under "(a) Many languages")
(c) Croatian, Serbian: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 (also see 14 of "(a) Many languages" and see "u" below)
(d) Dutch: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07
(e) Egyptian: 01
(f) English: 01 (also check 14 under "(a) Many languages")
(g) Estonian: 01
(h) Estonian, English, Finnish: 01
(i) Finnish: 01, 02
(j) French: 01, 02
(k) German (+English): 01 (also check 14 under "(a) Many languages")
(l) Greek: 01, 02, (following additions courtesy of Exoskeletor:) 03, (also English:) 04, (series:) 05, 06
(m) Hebrew: 01, 02
(n) English, Hebrew, Russian: 01
(o) Hungarian: 01 (also check 14 under "(a) Many languages")
(p) Polish, (English): 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07 (also check 13 under "(a) Many languages")
(q) Portuguese (& Brazil): 01, 02, 03
(r) Romanian: 01, 02, (03) (also check 11 under "(a) Many languages").
(s) Russian: 01, 02
(t) Slovenian: 01, 02
(u) Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian, English: 01, 02
(v) Spanish (Argentine): 01, 02
(w) Spanish (Arg.), Portuguese, English, Dutch: 01
(x) Swedish: 01, 02, 03, 04.
(y) Turkish: 01, 02 (also check 09 under "(a) Many languages").
(z) Search subtitle: search subtitle
(If any of the above links is broken, or you have interesting additional subtitle-sites, please send me a pm so that I can change resp. add it.)

Under this "heading" I've placed some "odd items" as well as some links to forum-posts that may be of interest to you.
(This is a link to my old Help-to-Help post, which I made for BSPlayer version 0.86 Build 501.)
If you feel anything should be added, please let me know (by pm) so that I can include it in this post! Thanks in advance for helping me to help other BSPlayer-users!
(a) Older/slower PC?; ffdshow?
If you have an older PC with a slower CPU (e.g. < 450MHz), I would advise you to perhaps use BSPlayer version 0.86 Build 501 (of 16-09-2003) in combination with ffdshow.
You can download version 0.86 build 501 here and here.
(Note: though this last site may also make more recent BSPlayer versions available, I strongly advise anyone who wishes to use an up-to-date version to download it from the official download site.) Some updated language files for build 501! (Deutsch, Finnish, Français, Hrvatski, Magyar, Nederlands, Romanian, Russian, Spanish) can be downloaded here.
You can download ffdshow (alpha) here (or alternatively from here or here).
With respect to skins, please be aware that whereas BSPlayer 1.x (thanks to its special plugin) can also use version 0.86 skins, this is not so the other way around. That being said: quite a few of these skins are version 0.86 skins. (Here are a few skins of my collection.)
Maybe it could be advisable for your system to put BSPlayer's "Process priority" Under Options > Preferences > General to "Above Normal" or even "High".
(By the way: don't forget to install "AC3 filter" if your movies have AC3-sound; "AC3-Filter" also has possibilities to increase volume. Low audio-volume and no AC3 but mpeg sound? Then I would recommend "Enhancer" as mentioned in this post to increase volume.)
(b) I wish to capture screens, but ...
how .... cannot find
Default key is [P], but - if you so wish - you can redefine through right-click > Options > Preferences > Key definitions & WinLIRC (note seperate settings are possible for Windowed mode and for Full screen mode).
If you did not define any specific location (through right-click > Options > Preferences > General ...... the options re saving of screens are shown in the "south east" quarter) screen images will be saved in BSPlayer's installation folder (default name and format: bscap??.jpg)
NOTE: starting from version v2.33.977 BS.Player has a separate menu-item, i.e. no longer under "General", but under:
(right-click >) Options > Preferences > "Frame and thumbnail capture"
Not working?
Experiment with different rendering/overlay modes
(rightclick >) Options > Preferences > Video > Video rendering
with a different setting of "Convert captured images in software" under
(rightclick >) Options > Preferences > General ("south east" quarter of the window)
(Depends also on your graphics card (and its settings and drivers)!)
Frame by frame?
Pause movie and use right (and left) arrow keys to step through the movie
(Depends also on the possibilities of the decoder/filter used!)
Other possibility?
Well, there still is the possibility offered by Windows: [Alt]/[Print screen]
followed by "paste" in a graphics package.
(Its working also depends on graphics card/overlay settings.)
(c) Color controls?
Check out this post.
(d) Girder / WinLIRC / Remote controls / (Multimedia) Keyboard ?
Check out this thread and this one and read what our fellow-BSPlayer-user RafkeP (and bst) can tell you. And how about this post by darkain!?
For Girder definitions also check out this post (click here), by Tizio.
(e) I don't have any sound any more!
"File is corrupted! seeking will very slow". With Media Player Classic no problem.
Until recently BSPlayer worked fine - sound & subtitles OK.
After installing and uninstalling [other video program] I don't have any sound any more.
Windows Media Player doesn't recognise any file types any more and also XYZ-player doesn't give any sound.
I already tried to restore to an earlier restauration point but this doesn't solve the problem.
Maybe check out this post.
(f) Where to buy BSPlayer Pro; How to register it?; Support?
To buy BSPlayer Pro go here.
After purchase you will receive an email from BSPlayer sales,

reading (i.a.): You can download BSplayer Pro at ..... followed by a link to your log-in page.
and on the next two lines in the email there will be your Username and Password to be able to log in at the download page.
After log in you will see a page with a welcome text at the top right and also:

Now just click on [Get BSplayer PRO] to download.
The e-mail from BSPlayer team will also contain
(1) Registered User name
(2) Registration code (a rather long alphanumeric string).
These are needed to activate BSPlayer Pro once downloaded and installed.
As it is easy to make typing errors with the code, I would suggest to use "Copy and Paste" method for that. (Open the e-mail, select the registration code and then rightclick > Copy. Further remember the "User name", which may be "case-sensitive", meaning that you must type in UPPER and lower-case characters as shown in the e-mail).
You can also register at a later time by starting BSPlayer Pro and rightclicking on its control panel (skin); then select "About" at the bottom of the list appearing and subsequently press [R] on your keyboard.
In the "Registration info"-window which appears, type in your "Registered User name", place mouse-pointer in the "Registration code"-box and then rightclick > Paste.
Click [OK]
In the "About" information under "Registered to" your "User name" should be shown now.
To purchasers of BSPlayer Pro (holding an officially obtained registration code), BSPlayer-team provides technical e-mail support, which is made available through the contact-form at Contact Us - (A link to this form is also provided at BSPlayer's webpage "Customer Service". So BSPlayer Pro users are invited to use this options to receive direct support from BSPlayer-team. (Note this does NOT apply to users of the FREE version BSPlayer!)
(g) Updated language-files for builds 826 and 828-832:
(a few not fully updated but more recent than the one in BSPlayer's build 826 installation)
The languages marked with * are updates for builds 828-832 !!
Basque / Euskara by Gaueko *
Belarussian/белорусский язык by OldEvrei_ *
Bulgarian / Български by BG's *
Dutch / Nederlands by BSPeter *
Estonian / Eesti by mihhkel *
Finnish / Suomi by bscd
French / Français by GreGnet
French / Français by Norbert Brondeau *
German / Deutsch by JTHawK#2 *
Greek / Ελληνικά by DragonFighter *
Hungarian / Magyar by HJ *
Italian / Italiano by Tizio *
Latvian / latviešu valoda by KSB4ever *
Portugese / Portugu?s by Cereal_Killer
Brazilian Portuguese by rafaelcortes
Romanian / Română by adicoto *
Russian / Русский by MRAc
Slovak language / Slovensky jazykovy by artam *
Spanish / Espa?ol by Fe?iz
Swedish / Svenska by knord
Ukrainian / Українська by vitalis
Help2Help (click) BSplayer: simply the best & most versatile (Build 1072 Dutch language here!)
When posting always mention your computer's OS and the version and build number(!) of BS.Player as used by you,
as well as - if applicable and especially when encountering problems - the type(s) of the file(s) mentioned in your post.
Private messages/Visitor messages are NOT for seeking personal help with respect to BS.Player! Instead use the forums!
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