hello guys,
im using Windows XP SP2, BSPlayer updated to 2.36 now, with K-lite codecs fully installed.
the problem starts when i change my video renderer to Enhanced Video Renderer (EVR), and when i watch any movies with fullscreen mode on. its just as usual, to take the snapshot, just press P to snap the screen with the original size of the video but, what happened here is that, the size of the snapshot images that have been taken with EVR on would be bigger than the original size of the video. this means that, even if i press P, its just the same as i press shift+P for 'What you see' for taking snapshots.
for example, im watching a video with resolution at 704 x 400. if i press P while in fullscreen mode, the image that just taken would be at size 1680 x 945 ! O_O thats just about the same as my desktop resolution, 1650 x 1050.
i got no problem with other video renderer though, only EVR would give such error when taking screenshot. was these a bug or, its just that i should not use EVR at all in windows XP and only for Vista?
any tips would help, thanks in advance. =)