8th May 2003
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: May 2003
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BSPlayer in combination with NVidia-MPG2-decoder
It'd be nice being able to use the NVidia-MPG2-decoder with the BSPlayer. I was trying to play an MPG2-file but got this error: Quote:
BSPlayer v0.86.493, Unhandled exception at EIP: 4E005914
If you click 'Close' application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
Floating point division by zero
, 0x004B48EF, 0x004B4B69, 0x004520BF, 0x0044972A, 0x77D37AD7, 0x77D3CCD4, 0x77D156B6, 0x77D15A71, 0x00449639, 0x00437813, 0x0044C1EF, 0x0043757B, 0x0044972A, 0x77D37AD7, 0x77D3CCD4, 0x77D145BD, 0x77D147D4, 0x77FA4DA6, 0x0044C1EF, 0x0043757B, 0x0044972A, 0x77D37AD7, 0x77D3CCD4, 0x77D145BD, 0x77D147D4, 0x77FA4DA6, 0x00434EB8, 0x0044C1EF, 0x00434CFF, 0x004374DC, 0x00437547, 0x0044C1EF, 0x00434CFF, 0x00433C69, 0x004C62AF, 0x77E614C7
Bytes at EIP: DE F9 DC 15 50 50 03 4E DF E0 F6 C4 41 7A 12 DD D8 C7
I'm using the Elecard MPG2-splitter and the NVidia-MPG2-decoder. It's running with GraphEdit and it works with the Windows Media Player 7 and later without problems.
Bye, Oliver