8th July 2002
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jul 2002
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Subtitles - multi-language directory scan
I don't like to always set up ini files and have often several subtitles for the same film stored on my hard disk. If I want to chose a subtitle language, I can load the subtitle manually or select the good directory in the main option tab. I thought it would be easy to code and very usefull: to let the player scan the subdirectories of the specified one and to let then the user chose the language according to the directory where the subtitle was found. For example:
let be the structure:
---+-eyes wide shut.sub
---+- ...
----+-eyes wide shut.sub
----+- ...
If "sub" is specidied as the main directory where to find subtitles, if the user loads "eyes wide shut.divx" the two subtitles will be loaded with "en" and "fr" as associated languages for the menu.
It should be quite easy to add to the features. Of course that is not the only possibility. We could imagine for example to add language specification to the filenames (i.e. "matrix.fr.sub")... any ideas?