27th November 2003
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 11
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Skinning-Active state buttons/Playlist font colors
I noticed that you can add "active state" bitmap for any button (name(a).bmp) but as i tested it for playlist (just for fun :) ). I noticed that if i press the playlist button (skinned), now the button is in active state, then close the playlist from the playlist close button and not the skinned button, the skinned button is left as active state. Even thou the playlist window isnt open. Otherhand you can use the skinned button to also close the window... and thus not leaving it "bugged" in the active state.
Also smallish note about editing color values on the playlist. The "list" font colors should be totally independent from the values that control the texts "fullscreen", "aspect" and "pan-scan" on the right side of the window. Because if i want to for example have the "non-active" ones text to be light shade of gray and active text as black, it will then show the right side stuff also in lightshade gray... which is not good :) .
Just a small "notes" of the issues ive encountered :)
PS. Im not sure if this the right section for my notes... i hope it is.