20th May 2004
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Mar 2004 Location: France
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Ini files on hard drive for movies already burnt on CDs
So far I've read about people creating bsi files which they burn on CD's to play their movies using certain parameters (like choice of audio stream, subtitle, etc.) or some use command lines which implies they also have to burn BSPlayer on the CD as well.
I'm afraid none of these methods suit me as I do not wish to copy BSPlayer on my CD's nor use BSI files which may no longer be valid with future upgrades of the player (as it was the case with builts previous to RC1).
I find the BSL files which you can store on your hard drive and edit with a text editor very convenient to play a movie on two CD's (as I've got two CD drives) without having to do anything to shift from CD1 to CD2. It would be very convenient to be able to add something similar to command lines to these playlists so that you could watch the same movie on two CD's using different subtitles or different audio streams. Of course you would need a BSL file for each different configuration and provided the CD's are in the right drives, one double click on the BSL file would be enough to start the movie and enjoy it from beginning to end without having to bother about setting various parameters. I'm not being lazy, just practical! I don't think it's possible yet, but I'm sure it would be of interest to many and if BSPlayer ever upgrades no more unusable bsi files on the CD's. Just update them on your hardrive. How about that?
"Our lives end the day we remain silent about things that matter" -- Martin Luther King