12th September 2004
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Sep 2004
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2CD Movies / Subtitles filenames auto-detection
Hi, well at the moment, BSPlayer detects a second CD file if it's named I don't exactly know how, and it detects subtitles if the filename is exactly the same. Now what I'd like:
- Some setting to be able to set a personnalized detection method based on a "mask", something would be for me i.e. : %MovieTitle% - %DiscNumber%.avi.
- Kinda the same thing for subtitles, but it would be something like : %MovieTitle% %Language% [- %DiscNumber%].avi, the part in brackets is optional, I think that to find the subtitle file it should take the movie filename, and remove "VO/VF/VI/English/Swedish/anything..." from it, and then look for a subtitle file that would match that, and an option to choose the default preferred language to take i.e. if there are an english and a french subtitle file for the same movie.
I don't exactly know how to work this out but I think with regular expressions it wouldnt be such a pain in the ass and hopefully it will be included in BS. Thanks for reading :)