25th April 2005
Senior Member BS.Player Power User | | Join Date: Jun 2002
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Haali's splitter has become quite mature and supports 3 major container formats: mp4, mkv and avi.
I have been reassured here that there's a possibility to make stream selection from within the player with this multi splitter in use: Quote:
About the impossibility to select streams from within your player, it's because your player doesn't support a COM interface that Haali uses (and defined by Microsoft AFAIK). MPC, TCMP and other playes have been updated recently to handle that...
| I don't see that Gabest will adopt AVC/h.264 support in the future for his splitter.
I'd been looking forward to seeing proper Matroska support with ALL it's current features in bsplayer ....again.
IMHO, this is a splitter that will become more and more important, at least when the remaining issues with mp4 muxing (other apps like mp4box and mp4creator in charge here) are resolved.
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