8th September 2005
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Sep 2005
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Container or modular...
Well, i am a happy owner of BSplayer, used it for years already, and decided to get the Pro version, hoping to see this mode i've requested long time ago in the Pro one. Still there is no such thing....
What is this container mode ? It's exactly as Microsoft Media Player 10 or Media Player Classic way to handle the movie window. Now BSPlayer is modular, and it's pretty hard for me to get use to this mode. Even attaching the main window to movie window doesn't help as it's always "escaping".
So please, can there be a hope that you will add in next version an option where the main window stay FOREVER attached to the movie window ? Or maybe "incorporate" the movie window inside some container from main window ? Thank you in advance, and keep up the great work...