As you already know, there is very pesky bug during playback of mkv files with internal subtiles: BSPlayer crashes if there is VSfilter 2.36 in the system.
This also could crash Windows. :(
As you know that's because of the conflict between VSfiler and WST Decoder Filter used by BSPlayer.
This problem can be solved by including VSFilter in Blacklist
(or unregistering WST Decoder Filter or VSFilter, but this switches off all BSPlayer subtitle functionality or ditto while using many other Players respectively).
In this case VSFilter icon still appears but that doesn't produce any conflict and it plays subordinate role for BSplayer subtitle functions. Though it can still be used for subtitle tracks switching.
So i suggest to make this blacklist entry default during installation. :)
After that such files can be played normaly in BSPlayer as well as in other players.
And this bag will disturb BSPlayer users no more. :)