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Feature Requests, Feedback And Suggestions Post your suggestions and feature requests here, what would you like to use in BS.Player. Any feedback is appreciated and will be reviewed by our team.

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Old 7th October 2006
BS.Player Master
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Default New Features/Improvements to BSplayer

Here are some features/improvements I (and other users) whould like to see in BSplayer.
Thanks in advance

If you wish to make any additional requests (to be added to this list), please do so by post-replying to the post which I created especially for this purpose: clickhere. Thanks for your contributions!
__________________________________________________ _____________

WhenU Save
I know that probably this request will not be accomplished, but there's no harm in trying
If you want to still bundle WhenU Save adware in BSplayer installation files, then, please, consider the option to let the users the choice to install it or not. It seems to me the perfect solution for both, you and free users (this way BSplayer will gain back some of the old prestige and the amount of unsatisfied users will decrease significantly :arrow: the BSplayer user-base will increase to the high numbers as for v1.xx). :)

Previous request partially accomplished in v2.12.941
- In my opinion it's better to let the user to choose in the Installation process to put the settings files into BSplayer installation dir or in ApplicationData (a choice similar to the one introduced for the single/multiple users installation).
If the choice is to keep the settings into the installation dir, if the user choosed to install BS.Player for all users, the settings file should be created with the current user name (BSplayer.USER_NAME.xml), otherwise it can be saved as BSplayer.xml.
Accomplished in v2.16.945


- When uninstalling it should be answered if the user wants to delete "Product Registration Information" ("key.reg" file), so when upgrading to newer versions after the uninstall process, re-registration is not required.

- Once a DVD disc is played it should be asked if the user wants to play the DVD from the beginning or from the last played posistion (instead of startig it automatically from last played position) Accomplished in v2.21.950
- Add support for closed captioning (by reallife)

- I think the Teletext should work like the DScaler one works (page caching, direct links by clicking on the 3digits numbers in pages' text, goto_page_number directly in the upper-left corner of the teletext, info on the number of pages/subpages cached).
- A pause/resume button to prevent flashing animations (or multiple pages in one) to steal visualization from the current page selected.
- Please add the ability to free resize the Teletext window (and thus the text in it) or at least an optional x2 zoom factor/full screen option to view an enlarged version of the teletext pages.
- Maybe when changing channel, the Teletext page shoul be resetted to 100 (subpage 1).
- Ability to select (and copy) text in the Teletext window (or to copy the entire page to clipboard).
- When the current page is 0 and you press the Previous Teletext page, the page should be 999 instead of 100 (or the last scanned page)... I think this is a smart way to cycle between teletext pages!
- Sometimes (especially if the selected page is visited for the second time) the selected page is not loaded and the page counter enters an endless loop...something must be done to prevent this behaviour
- A search option would be great: you type the searched text, i.e. a program title, and BSplayer scans the teletext cache to find the required item (a results list would be appreciated, or at least a Previous/Next result button).
- Improve teletext for deaf persons and add OSD feature

TV Tuner:
- Add an option to let the users choose to use SistemMixer instead of BSplayer mixer, this way (for example when audio in for tuner device is Line-in) the BSplayer mixer will not introduce delay but instead it will be bypassed and the audio directly outputted from the Line-in directly to the speakers (obviously when the system mixer is choosen the line-in must be enabled and when not used disabled, after BSplayer ends its tuner tasks the line-in state should be restored)
- The ability to show multiple channels at the same time (only one in realtime, and the others that keep the last showed picture, eg: 4x4 minipreviews like in DScaler's PREVIEW experimental feature, or in BSplayer's chapters viewer), with the ability to switch to the realtime channel (but still in multiple channels mode) by clicking on the portion of video occupied by it, and to switch to the desired channel (one channel mode) by double-clicking on the portion of video occupied by it.
- An option to split captured video files if grater than FileSystem LIMIT (or custom limit).
- A "Scheduler settings" window/tab to configure programmed captures.
- In the Channels list window it would be nice if there were buttons to move channels in list up and down (anyway this task can actually be performed through the Playlist).
- It would be nice if it could be possible to select the output folder for Tuner captures (or just to remember last saved path), and if an output file is not selected, then BSplayer will create one by itself (eg: BSPcap00.avi, BSPcap01.avi...), and maybe to let the user select the auto generated name format (as for the screen caps one "bscap%A3")...
- Add an option to keep the audio in synch with the video while capturing (out of synch problem caused by frames dropped etc.) Accomplished in v2.11.940
- Ability to cancel the scanning process when searching for TV Tuner channels Accomplished in v2.12.941

Subtiles Editor:
- Add the ability to create new subtitles, not only to edit them
- Add shortcut for frame/time insert in subtitle editor (by adicoto)
- When you change the Start Subtitle time, the Duration time should stay the same, and the one to be modified should be the End time (this will also prevent the bug that happens when you raise the start time above the end time=subtitle ends before starts)
- Prevent the subtitle end time to go below start time (with a resulting negative duration time)
- Another really useful request (IMHO) is to update the times once you digit them into the text boxes (actually they will be updated only if the user press the arrow-up/down buttons)
- Can you change the textbox input routine in a manner that will let the user to digit only the numbers without considering the ":" and "," chars (as I've done in my Chensorship utility)?


- Add the FAQ, BSPeter's Help2Help and adicoto's List of Codecs to the installer, this way many users will be able to solve known problems by themselves.
- Improve the "Set default audio stream" for every movie also with OGM and MKV filetypes.
- Improve/add the "Set default subtitle stream" for every movie. Also with OGM (or general container) filetypes.
- Select BSplayer language based on System language or already present BSplayer configuration file (by adicoto)
- An option to close the movie file/window when the STOP button is pressed. Accomplished in v2.21.950 :D
- Smart subtitles handling (by brisco)
- Auto Capture frames every x.x seconds (ditto)
- Different Icons for Different Media Types Accomplished in v2.21.950
- It would be great if the menu could be customized as in BSplayer v0.8x with "menudef.dat" file :D
- Made the shutdown time editable (now it's fixed at 30 seconds).
- If we are in "Repeat all" mode, pressing the Next/Previous button when the last/first item in the list is selected, the selection should pass to the first/last item of the list.
This way BSplayer will cycle the list not only when the last item is playied.
Accomplished in v2.10.939
- What happened to the project for a "One window only", for the skins??
It would be great if BSplayer could reproduce the movie directly into the skin!
- Could it be possible to add an option to insert the name of the remote in the WinLIRC button's filed as like as Girder does?
- Sleep time
- XP Autoplay (other posts: here, here, here and this really oooold topic )
- "Movie has finished playing" box should steal the focus and pop up on top of any other windows
- Restore playlis status when BSplayer is restarted (shown/hidden) also for "Old Style" playlist Accomplished in v2.12.941
- With shuffle enabled, allow to come back to previously played items (as like as in WinAMP) (by tupac7)
- Audio stream time correction like for subtitles
- What about a 64 bit (x64) version of BSplayer?
- Automatically Display Movie Time when a video file is opened (suggested by Bk9666) Accomplished in v2.11.940
- Add an option to enable/disable title scrolling on player window (by Digiface)
- Improve BS.MediaLibrary
- Add ability to show/modify ID3 tags (v1, v2)
- Add the ability to change the order in which you can display the OSD items (movie time, movie name, system date, system time, ...)
- Extend the Drag&Drop Directories feature also to the Playlist window (not only to the control window) Accomplished in v2.21.950
- In "Media Libary" it will be nice to have one colum that says in which folder every media file is located (by serv01)
- Add the ability to set the movie window transparent (alpha blending) Accomplished in v2.16.945
- Make it possible to automatically load next CDs/MOVIEs even if the launched CD is not the first one (by Walt Disney) Accomplished in v2.20.948
- Add buttons in Settings window to "Associate Video files with BSplayer" and "Associate Audio files to BSplayer" (by DragonFighter) Accomplished in v2.21.950

If you wish to make any additional requests (to be added to this list), please do so by post-replying to the post which I created especially for this purpose: clickhere. Thanks for your contributions!
BSP SkinMaker (v1.07) the one and only Skin Editor for BSplayer
BSP Definitions Manager (v1.02)
BS.Player's FAQ (by BSPeter) | Italian language file (v2.57 build 1051)
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