15th January 2003
Senior Member BS.Player Power User | | Join Date: Jun 2002 Location: Greece
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Improving my autolauncher...
I want to improve my autolauncher and make it... really outstanding (everyone want that for everybody's prog!  ). So, I wonder if someone knows using really well Visual Basic 6 and likes to help me.
The improvement that I want to make is concerning the settings.ini file. My program can write .ini files but only with "" (quotation marks) between the desired text. I want to get rid off these quotation marks, so the settings.ini file become as BSplayer.ini and has the same arrangement. The final point is to make my autolauncher writting automatically the BSplayer.ini (!).
If you have an idea about how making better my launcher, don't hesitate to tell me about it. I will be glad to implement your suggestions into my prog. :D