29th January 2003
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Nov 2002 Location: France
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OGM Subtitles support in build 494 - Would it go further ?
First, thank you ! I can now use one player to playback ogm with internal subs and avi with external subs ( and antialiased font ).
Now, when playbacking ogm with internal subs, they are not antialiased, because they are shown by the OggSubtitle filter. Does this mean you won't put an internal ogm subs support in BSPlayer in order to get the subtitle stream off the ogm and show it like it was external subs ( which would mean no black borders, antialiased font, and easily and fastly positionnable subs, all that make the subs handling of BSPlayer great. ) ? Or at least, can you interface BSPlayer with OggSubtitle to be able to set by the menu the position of the subs, and perhaps the font settings ?