5th March 2003
How to use DSP plugins. Eureka!
Hi all. First of all i have to say that i like this player very much. Thumbs up for the developers. 8) I read this forum because i didn't know how to get the dsp plugins to work in BSplayer. :evil: But i couldn't find any clear anwser here. And i saw that i was not the only one. So i went searching for it in BSplayer myself. Playing around with the dsp plugins from winamp and BSplayer. And eureka! :idea: I found it. Maybe some of you would like to know it too.
So here it is. Open BSplayer and go to preferences. Click on the "Audio" tab. And select "Enable Winamp DSP Plugins". Now click on the bar under the "Winamp plugin directory". And find the directory where the winamp dsp plugins are on your pc. The availleble dsp plugins will appear on the window on the left (the .dll files). Select the one you want and off you go. That's it. Personally i found that the winamp "enhancer.exe" plugin goes great with the avi's i'm playing. :twisted: Try it yourself. Succes.