15th March 2003
 | Senior Member BS.Player Power User | | Join Date: Jun 2002 Location: France
Posts: 218
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I don't understand how it can be possible to mux audio tracks such a way! AFAIK, audio tracks don't have a frame rate notion, only bitrate and sampling frequency. Maybe audio interleaving has not been set to the same frame value on both track.
I don't think BSPlayer can help you. It can change a delay but not the speed of a single track.
I fear that your only solution is to learn how to use a good old Nandub (if you don't). Maybe you'll only have to open your movie, setup the same audio interleave on both audio steams (I use 160ms/2 frames), select for audio and video "Direct Stream Copy" and save in a new file. It shouldn't take more that some mn to complete.