Samsung Smart TV (like a Samsung smart phone) is smart enough to let third party apps enhance its features. The user can load many apps known from his Android smart phone, like YouTube, Skype, TuneIn Radio, Angry Birds, etc, into his Samsung Smart TV.
I would like to load a "
Bsplayer for Smart TV" app.
Why? Because the Media Player of my Samsung Smart TV F-Series is too smart to offer time search (timeline search) for media files with some popular and often used file extensions, e.g. m2ts, mts, ts, vob, mpg, mkv, ...
Believe it or not, it disables time search for these file extensions!
As a result every one of these media files must be played from the very beginning and only from the very beginning! Always and everytime! Without Fast Forward!
It is like having to read a book from page One, page after page, in order to read its last chapter again! Like having to look up Samsung in a (printed) phonebook or dictionary by reading every line from page 1, letter "A" down to letter "S" on page 1001 in one stroke, without interrupting to get a cup of coffee or some sleep. If interrupted, you have to start over again from the very beginning. The user gets beamed back into 1960's (or earlier) sequential tape station behavior of ancient computers (though rumors tell these tape stations had real FF, which, for the discriminated file extensions, is also missing in nowadays Samsung Smart TV)! Smart, isn't it?
This flaw is independant of the media source. It equally effects media files from attached USB devices and from DLNA sources.
It is not a matter of missing codecs either. All theses files can be properly played with time search enabled if they are repacked/renamed into/to a *.mp4 file extension container.
Here "BSplayer for Smart TV" app (similar to "Bsplayer for Android") could come in and help to overcome this flaw. It would be very welcome!
For a start the "BSplayer for Smart TV" app would only need to add a _virtual_ extension ".mp4" to the real filename. It should open "myvideo.m2ts" from USB or DLNA source and hand it over to Smart TV's Media Player under the new _virtual_ name "myvideo.m2ts.mp4". Getting a file ending with _smart_ extension ".mp4" Smart TV's Media Player will play it with _time search_ enabled.
Please, BSplayer, consider to enter the Smart TV app business.