14th February 2014
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Feb 2014 Age: 31
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Android BSPlayer: How can you do continuous playback?
I have 2 android tablets(Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 and Archos 101 G9) and BSPlayer works great for both. Both play great and are able to playback continuously, when the videos are launched from the BSPlayer. The problem I am having is for the Archos 101 G9 when im launching a video from a 3rd party file explorer it only plays the video i select and exits from there.
The galaxy note 10.1 plays all the videos included in the folder(continuously) just fine so i know it cant be the file explorer causing the issue specially when I have tried different file explorers. Is there a way I can get the Archos 101 g9 to play it that way?
I checked the "playback" mode and it doesnt seem to work for none of the options.
Please help and thank you.