30th November 2003
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Apr 2003
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I found a solution with AVI files, WMP and sound!!!!
Well, maybe is one of different solution but it worked for me. Thanks God because it was driving crazy!!!
I had to remenber what I did during the day and realize that I had uninstalled the Viplay player. It is good player but I do not used I all. However, what it is the conection between the problems.
When I re-installed this program, trying to see if the files work, just before open any one appeared a window: " the program will turn off a Morgan Stream Switcher bercause it can caused some problems" ( I don't remember the exact works, but it is the essece of that)
After that, everything works PERFECT!!!
I haven't realize that I have that program, but I know that it comes with the Mega Codecs Pack (Mega Problems).
Well, I hope that solution (if it is a solution) can help to anyone.
Now, can anyone tell how I can uninstall that program?
Good luck, Regards