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General Talk And Support General talk and peer-to-peer support about BS.Player and other video and audio multimedia players.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 15th January 2004
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Default How to remove big black frame/border in FullScreen mode ??

sometimes when I want to watch an AVI movie in full screen I switch to this mode by
pressing the "F" key. The movie is the displayed by BSPlayer on the whole screen BUT with
a big black border/frame around it. Why?

As an example one of the last DIVX movies has a resolution of 592x320 pixel. in small
(Desktop format) it is displayed correctly without a border. But in full screen mode this
black frame takes approx 25% of the whole width and height.

Is there an option to switch off this border?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 15th January 2004
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XICO2KX is an unknown quantity at this point

You can solve this by using the "PanScan" option! :D
(just press the "O" key when playing the movie)

This will "zoom-in" the image until those black borders on top and bottom of the window are filled with the movie itself! :P

The catch is that you'll not see the left-most and right-most section of the movie, because they are outside the "window space"! :roll:

Another problem is that this option onlty works on the PC monitor screen... :(
So, if you watching the movie on your TV-Screen (by TV-Out), it won't work there!
I think it's because the modification on the image are not written to the overlay... :roll:

But this will solve your problem...
This is the technique that it's used on most of the movies played on normal TV channels! 8)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 15th January 2004
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IcePick is an unknown quantity at this point
Default Is there an auto-PanScan option

Ok. The PanScan "O" works. However I have to press "O" twice.
The first time the movie is displayed so that the upper and lower
border touches the screen borders. In this case a part of the left and right side is cut.

After the second press of "O" the displayed area is adjusted to the left and right side. This will leave only (!) a black lower and upper stripe as normal in wide screen movies.

Again: Is there an "AUTO"-PanScan Funtion which displays the movie
in a way so that the size fits exactly in the best dimension ?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 15th January 2004
BS.Player Master
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adicoto is on a distinguished road

Try pressing numpad 5. This must solve your problems.
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big, black, frame or border, fullscreen, remove

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