Dear all,
I tried to find a solution to this problem in the forum, with no success.
Basically, I have some movies with chinese subtitles in .srt format.
When I load them in bsplayer (any version I have, and, they seem to display fine, but some subtitles, occasionally (but not randomly) appear on the screen with the last line truncated horizontally (it means that for example a word of 5 chinese characters still has 5 characters, but I only can see the upper part of each of them). This problem is very strange, because if I change the char encoding to western, of course I cannot see the chinese chars, but the equivalent ascii ones are not truncated. So, I guess there is something wrong with the font..or what?
I tried different chinese fonts, either big5 or bgxxx (I don't remember the numbers after bg), proportional or fixed, without success, always the same problem.
I tried to disable all the subtitles effect (transparency, shadow, etc...), I tried to disable overlay, I tried to disable "draw subtitles to overlay surface", I tried everything: changing the font size, the position of the subtitles on the screen manually, disable aout position of subtitles. No luck. Always the same problem.
P.S. If I open the .srt files in Word, the subtitles all appear correctly.
I noticed, by opening the .srt files in question, that at the lines that show the problem there isn't a line break, but still the line is broken in bsplayer at the show time...this makes me think that bsplayer is expecting a single line and allocates the space for that, but instead it displays two lines, as if there was a line break in the .srt file. Hence, the second line is only shown partially (cos it goes outside the subtitles box).
Any suggestions?
Sorry for the long post and thx for any comment or answer.