20th February 2004
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Nov 2003 Location: Missouri
Posts: 17
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Win Amp Plug In Question
Hey Guys! I had the Win Amp "Enhancer" installed on my "803" version and I just downloaded the new "805" version of BS Player. I still have the "Enhancer" on my computer but I am having trouble getting it loaded to my new "805" version. Do I need to start from scratch and go to the Win Amp site and download the plug in again or is there some obvious step or click that I need to do to get "The Enhancer" to load on my new version. I tried using the "Search" function to get my answere but I can't seem to get the answere I need. I really love BS Player and I have had nothing but good things to say about the player. Keep up the good work guys! I would appreciate any input to my question about the Win Amp plugin! Thanks Again!!
Mark Blue