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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 21st January 2005
BS.player Regular User
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wyf51888 is an unknown quantity at this point
Default key definition of increase/decrease brightness does not work

The hotkey for increase/decrease brightness , which is HOME/END by default, does not work. But "video--color control--brightness" works fine. ---for a same movie.

I've tried both increase brightness and increase brightness(HW), both window mode and fullscreen mode......

BTW, what does HW stand for?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 21st January 2005
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Working (or not) depends i.a. on overlay settings and your HardWare (i.e. video card (and its drivers!))
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 22nd January 2005
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wyf51888 is an unknown quantity at this point

"video--color control--brightness" works on both overlay modes.....
I just dont know why hotkey fails.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 22nd January 2005
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Unfortunately there are lots of different hard- and software combinations for any PC, which influence the graphics/video capabilities of each individual PC.
Also in that connection BSPlayer has two sets of controls (so if one doesn't work there's still another one you can try):

+ Decrease brightness (defaultkey [End])
+ Increase brightness (defaultkey [Home])
+ Decrease Brightness (HW)
+ Decrease Contrast (HW)
+ Decrease Hue (HW)
+ Decrease Saturation (HW)
+ Increase Brightness (HW)
+ Increase Contrast (HW)
+ Increase Hue (HW)
+ Increase Saturation (HW)
+ Show HW Color controls dialog
Defaultsituation is that keys for HW Color controls are all undefined, so in order to use those you should first define the keys you wish to use for those functions:
rightclick > Options > Preferences > Key definitions & WinLIRC
(Note hotkeys must be defined seperately for "Windowed mode" and for "Full screen mode").

Skins (= the control panel) may also have a button to open "Color controls" window (once you've loaded a video-file).
Otherwise (as mentioned by you): rightclick > Video > Color controls

As I already put in my previous reply the working of a set of controls (or not) depends i.a. on overlay settings (or rather 'video rendering') and hardware used.

What I omitted to mention is that it also depends on the codec/filter used for playback.
You can check that under (video-file must be loaded):
rightclick > Options > Filters (>Advanced).
(You can change settings there as well. Maybe you must click on a [+]-sign to be able to access the properties-window.)

An example if you're using DivX-codec for playback:
[Start] > [Programs] > [DivX] > [DivX Codec] > [Decoder Configuration Utility] > select "Quality settings".
If box "Yuv Extented Mode" is checked (=selected) there will be no color controls ("Picture properties") available.
Only if this option is not checked/selected thén "Brightness/Contrast/Saturation" settings will be enabled.

Finally BS.Player offers (also depending on the codecs/filters actually used for the playback of a specific file) the possibility to set (and remember) various color properties under:
(rightclick >) Options > Preferences > Video ...
... FFDshow properties (or ... DivX 3.11 properties or ... DivX 4+ properties)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 22nd January 2005
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wyf51888 is an unknown quantity at this point

Sorry, i'm not good at english and didn't make it clear....
I checked this all again and found out: I must have assigned a key for "xxx brightness HW" that's already taken by other function keys....:-)

Now it's ok. My fault.

I'd like to take this opportunity to ask another question:

Usually my movies are in RMVB format.
I followed your instruction and found several lines in "options--filters--advanced" of this movie:

Default directsound device
overlay mixer
realvideo decoder
realaudio decoder
realmedia splitter

in "G:\A.RMVB", it reads:
Location: F:\WINNT\system32\
quartz.dll, Size: 1852928 bytes, Version

CompanyName: Microsoft Corporation
FileDescription: DirectShow Runtime.
InternalName: Quartz.dll
LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Microsoft Corp.
LegalTradeMarks: Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Microsoft Corp.
OriginalFilename: Quartz.dll
ProductName: DirectShow

So, does that mean the codecs that plays RMVB in BSplayer is DirectShow ? If so, how can I switch to Realmedia?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 22nd January 2005
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Unfortunalely I don't know too much about how (technically) the end-picture is shown on screen.
That being said however, I think that - in your case - overlay mixer AND realvideo-decoder AND realvideo splitter AND quartz direct show are used for playing the videopart of the file.

(If it ain't broke: don't fix it.)
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 24th January 2005
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wyf51888 is an unknown quantity at this point

Thanks a lot for your help!!! I appreciate it.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 24th January 2005
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Glad if I've been able to help you!
Help2Help (click) BSplayer: simply the best & most versatile (Build 1072 Dutch language here!)
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brightness, definition, increase or decrease, key

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