14th June 2005
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jun 2005
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Access Violation in module "BSPlayer.exe"
I have tried to narrow this down, I thought it only happened when i launched videos from inside limewire, but i have disproved that. Alot of times when I am watching a video, I will launch an audio file (from windows explorer) and will start getting errors in BSPLayer. The Error Says "Access violation at address 004AA356 in module 'bsplayer.exe'. Read of address 00000138". The music will keep playing without any problems, EXCEPT this error box will pop up 1 every second, so soon my screen is flooded with BSPlayer errors. So than i have to end process and start up the player again. I am using BSPlayer 1.22 build 817. Hopefully I have given enough detail to help solve the problem, and I have included a ScreenShot of the Error. Thanks for BSPlayer