12th August 2005
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Aug 2005
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How to play copied DVD movie on HD?
I copied a DVD movie to my Harddrive and end up with a lot of different files (Video TC.bup, Video Ts.ifo, VTS01 1.vob, VTS01 2.vob..........).
Is there a way that I can watch this movie in BsPlayer in one run?
So far the only way I'm able to watch it is to click on the different files
(VTS01 1.vob after that click on VTS01 2.vob....) This is real annoying.
I used NERO SHOWTIME before and there is an option to watch a movie if you click on the FOLDER with all the movie files. This option doesn't exist in BSPlayer.
Volker O Mende