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emmanuelx 11th October 2006 02:23 PM

BSplayer 2.0 + windows vista
I can't play any AVI files and some WMV files - I get sound, but no video
vista is RC2 step ....16 days before RTM come on Slacker !!!!! update your f..... program

Tizio 11th October 2006 02:31 PM

Probably it's a codec issue, and not a BSplayer fault..


Originally Posted by emmanuelx
...come on Slacker !!!!! update your f..... program

And next time don't use that language, otherwise your posts will be deleted :evil:

adicoto is trying Vista too, and he had not reported similar problems yet. :roll:

adicoto 11th October 2006 04:00 PM

Never had any problems on RC1. RC2 it's incoming. In a day or two I will install it and do some testing.

BSPeter 11th October 2006 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Tizio
And next time don't use that language, otherwise your posts will be deleted :evil:

Good thing I didn't see this post earlier than you as I would most probably have done just that. This is not the way if one is seeking for assistance. Very uncivilized and totally unneccessary indeed!

Tizio 12th October 2006 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by BSPeter

Originally Posted by Tizio
And next time don't use that language, otherwise your posts will be deleted :evil:

Good thing I didn't see this post earlier than you as I would most probably have done just that. This is not the way if one is seeking for assistance. Very uncivilized and totally unneccessary indeed!

Yeah, I left it only because I'm interested too in this question regarding Vista... :(

SurlyDuff 15th October 2006 05:28 PM

I'm having the same problem on Vista RC2 x64. I'm using K-Lite Codec Pack and Windows Media Player and Media Player Classic both play the files with audio and video just fine. However, BSplayer is by far my favourite media player so I'd really like to get it working :D

adicoto 15th October 2006 06:16 PM

Tonite I will install RC2 but 32 bit version. And without any codec pack.

Tizio 15th October 2006 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by adicoto
Tonite I will install RC2 but 32 bit version. And without any codec pack.

I'll wait for the results :wink:

Unfortunally 64bit OS are not so popular yet, but since almost all Vista releases will be for 64bit versions, some tests have to be done to assure a complete support from/for new systems.
I'm planning to buy a 64bit machine and probably I'll test BSplayer on some 64bit OS, but not before a couple of months from now... :(

adicoto 15th October 2006 07:33 PM

Sorry to disagree with you but 64 bits OS became verry popular with AMD 64 CPU, faster and cooler than P IV equivalents. I've installed my first XP64 on an 3200+\2GB DDR machine more than 1 year ago. At that time there was a lack of drivers, but OS was OK IMHO.
All Vista releases will be 32 and 64 bits.


And by the way, microsoft's windows is the one coming in two versions, 32 and 64. Linux for example have support for 64 bits architecture for 2 years now.

Tizio 15th October 2006 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by adicoto
Sorry to disagree with you but 64 bits OS became verry popular with AMD 64 CPU, faster and cooler than P IV equivalents. I've installed my first XP64 on an 3200+\2GB DDR machine more than 1 year ago. At that time there was a lack of drivers, but OS was OK IMHO.
All Vista releases will be 32 and 64 bits.

Yes, the 64bit systems became popular with AMD 64 CPU, but IMHO not the OS (and I speak of popularity, not stability).. I personally have never seen a PC with a 64bit system, while the plans for M$ are to spread 64bit as more as possible (also thanks to new intel conroe and merom cpus)..

But that was my personal experience, and since I deal much more with privates than with companies, I don't know if 64bit systems are so popular in the business market :roll:

but BSplayer is not available for Linux systems..I was referring to BSplayer tests :wink:

adicoto 15th October 2006 11:29 PM

No problem whatsoever with RC2. Tested on MPEG2 files (using Microsoft's built-in decoder) and some of the newest XviD files. BSPlayer plays them OK without even installing other MPEG4 decoder such as DivX or XviD. Using overlay mixer, subtitles are OK. As for the fact that Documents and settings folder became unaccesible for users you can't save here settings. Also the reg key.

LE: You can't unlock docs and sett folder, but you can gain full acces to install folder and the key is saved.

Tizio 15th October 2006 11:39 PM

Thank you adicoto!!! :D

adicoto 15th October 2006 11:42 PM

More to come in the next days.

SurlyDuff 16th October 2006 02:33 PM

Hmmm...I tried uninstalling K-Lite Codec Pack and tried installing xvid and divx but BSPlayer still doesn't work. Maybe it's an x64 problem?

BSPeter 16th October 2006 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Did you notice that adicoto
BSPlayer plays them OK without even installing other MPEG4 decoder such as DivX or XviD. Using overlay mixer, subtitles are OK

(Just to be sure) :wink:

adicoto 16th October 2006 08:55 PM

1. Have you disabled account control ?
2. Do you have administrator rights over Program files folder ? If not, all Divx and XviD installs are for nothing, as Vista is ignoring them.
3. I will install DivX and Xvid some 30 minutes from now and come back.

PS have you selected overlay mixer as rendering methode in video rendering ? I am not sure about the compatibility between BSPlayer and DirectX 10, wich is built-in Vista.

adicoto 16th October 2006 11:00 PM

Installed XviD. XviD files playing OK.
Installed Divx, DivX files playing OK.
Didn't manage to install my elecard MPEG2 decoder. And for sure Microsoft's MPEG2 filters have some issues with HDTV files. .TS file won't play at all.
Testing some x264 files with AAC audio. I will come back.

adicoto 16th October 2006 11:20 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Installed Elecard. MPEG2 HDTV files playing OK now. Makes me happy.
Installed CoreAAC and CoreAVC. Nice.
MP4 splitter. Some problems here with some files. Just 3ivX instalation helped. Also with 3ivX installed managed to play the file created with Nero that I downloaded today from the site (when night falls).
Some visual theme conflicts with windows(violet border around main window)

Tizio 17th October 2006 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by adicoto
Some visual theme conflicts with windows(violet border around main window)

Probably there are problems with Windows APIs.
To create transparent borders I think that BS.Player (as I did with my skin editor) uses gdi32 and user32 api calls. Probably those files (respectively gdi32.dll and user32.dll) are missing, or most probably the api calls have changed:

may act differently.. I don't know if Microsoft have already provided an updated version of the MSDN library, probably not. I think BS.Player creators need to check this before Vista become final :roll:

SurlyDuff 17th October 2006 02:27 PM

Ahh the rendering option seemed to be the problem. I selected overlay mixer and now it seems to work fine. I noticed that Media Player Classic also turns off the DirectX, guess BSPlayer has to as well.

Tizio 17th October 2006 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by SurlyDuff
Ahh the rendering option seemed to be the problem. I selected overlay mixer and now it seems to work fine. I noticed that Media Player Classic also turns off the DirectX, guess BSPlayer has to as well.

It seems that this DirecX10 is not so retro-compatible :roll:
And probably Vista itself is not :x

adicoto 17th October 2006 05:42 PM

At least one problem seems to be solved :D

Tizio 18th October 2006 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by adicoto
At least one problem seems to be solved :D

Which one :?:

adicoto 18th October 2006 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by SurlyDuff
Ahh the rendering option seemed to be the problem. I selected overlay mixer and now it seems to work fine. I noticed that Media Player Classic also turns off the DirectX, guess BSPlayer has to as well.

No, not MP4 :wink:

Tizio 18th October 2006 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by adicoto

Originally Posted by SurlyDuff
Ahh the rendering option seemed to be the problem. I selected overlay mixer and now it seems to work fine. I noticed that Media Player Classic also turns off the DirectX, guess BSPlayer has to as well.

No, not MP4 :wink:


emmanuelx 18th October 2006 07:07 PM

after 1 week i found the problem .... is aero glass ...just disable like set to "windows vista basic " everything work after

adicoto 18th October 2006 09:07 PM

But Vista disables Aero automatically when opening a file via BSplayer.

emmanuelx 19th October 2006 04:57 AM

nope is does

SurlyDuff 19th October 2006 03:26 PM

After I set the rendering mode to Internal Renderer DirectDraw Surface (Overlay Mixer worked once or twice but then I got the black screen again), Vista no longer needs to turn off Aero Glass to play files :D ...which is pretty sweet.

Tizio 3rd December 2006 09:03 PM

A just tried BS.Player with Vista RTM build and it plays fine
Unfortunally I wasn't able to run with Aero style enabled (since I run Vista in a virtual machine and the video drivers are not yet optimized for it), plus I disabled User Control.. In next days I'll test it with standard Vista configuration and maybe with Aero style enabled :wink:

spencey82 4th December 2006 11:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I am running Vista Ultimate. I was unable to get BSplayer working until I changed the video overlay. That fixed the video problem. There's still a problem with file access. Every time I open a file, I get a windows message:

"Windows cannot find
X:\Filename.avi. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again"

The files open fine and play fine, but I always get that message. Any idea why?

adicoto 4th December 2006 03:35 PM

I think there is the same limitation of the dot number in a filename. Try to erase some of the dots and see if you get the same message.

vorob 5th December 2006 10:58 PM

2 SurlyDuff

You write about how to fix black screen problem, BUT WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL WHERE THIS OPTION??? Tell me please how to engage Internal Renderer DirectDraw Surface??? Thank you.

BSPeter 5th December 2006 11:07 PM

Don't SHOUT!
(rightclick >) Options > Preferences > Video > [Video rendering]
(Then select mode under "Rendering mode").

Mat2000 6th December 2006 12:02 PM

We are working on Vista OS. New version of Bsplayer for Vista will be out very soon.

Tizio 6th December 2006 06:22 PM

crazyheinz 20th January 2007 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by BSPeter
Don't SHOUT!
(rightclick >) Options > Preferences > Video > [Video rendering]
(Then select mode under "Rendering mode").

I dont find this option.
Only thing i see is, divx 3.11 proporties, divx4 proporties and ffdshow proporties.
I' m using the newest version of bs player...

BSPeter 20th January 2007 07:33 PM

Where you see
+DivX 3.11 properties
+DivX 4+ properties
+FDD show properties

move your eyes a wee bit to the right
then below the word Video
you will notice four tabs:
[General] [OSD] [OSD Options] and [Video rendering]
Now click on [Video rendering] and ..... :lol:

crazyheinz 20th January 2007 10:23 PM

ok thank you.
So when i set it to the original one back again, it don't gonna have a black screen anymore.

deano_b 8th February 2007 01:52 AM

had same problem in vista ultimate so altered to overlay mixer rendering and its ok now!

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