Hi, bst! Good new build, but it lack some things. Mainly, please, as everyone using overlay, its pointless to allow users select any depths of resolutions - it make the small (what about bigger?) slider with resolutions and depths confusing!
Please, remove all the 8 and 16 bit resolutions, certainly no-one ever want to use crapy quality, when can use 32bit - only in case, he dont using the overlay.
Also i missing a lot a switch, that dont scale the video on fullscreen to fill the width of screen, can you add it? Thanks!

Whats even more confusing that the many resolutions into resolution select is the fact, that displaying the selected one (or the No change) dont STICK, so, everytime i start BSplay, i dont see a thing into prefs, but BSplayer correctly remember the last one used...!
So, can the selection STICK to be always visible? Thx! :roll:
And at least, can i select more files into the open file dialog - and when i dont select repeat, then they WILL be played ALL?
(quite usefull into case you have a movie on 2 or 3 CDs, copyied on disk...) :?
And actually, to make movies looks great and NONSCALED, anyone can also help there with a few clicks to send a petition to ATI/nVidia to add DoubleScan option into drivers
Thx! :!: