11th June 2007
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Aug 2003
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[SOLVED]Video doesn't showup in bsplayer
Win2K sp4 PC with bsplayer 1.39 or 1.41 or 2.10 all showing same symptom that video of: black screen with a few color spots no motion but audio+subtitles play OK.. File plays OK on all other PC's using same bsplayer binary, except on the PC I really need it to!! I've tried ALL the codecs/filters, ffdshow, 3ivx, xvid, they all do not work with bsplayer on that PC! Other avi files play OK on the 'bad' PC using bsplayer..
On the same system zoomplayer and media player classic as well as from within graphedit and gspot same video file displayes OK; video only doesn't work from bsplayer!
Tried removing/reinstalling bsplayer several times with many reboots, no go.
At this point I'm truly at a loss.. must be some deep down registry key missing or something like that.. really appreciate any tips that can help me figure out why this is so. It must be something that bsplayer is using/doing differently than ALL the above players...
Rendering mode: Internal renderer overlay (default) is the one that needs to work, but doesn't. otherwise only mode that works is the RGB, but it's very very slow, like frame by frame...