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Old 6th August 2004
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BSPeter BSPeter is offline
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Previous posts on this here
I am encountering a similar experience now.
It doesn't matter which skin I'm using.
Once started up (and BSPlayer closed down (but not Windows!)); next time you start BSPlayer by doubleclicking on an (associated) .avi-file or by (a link to) the skin in stead of by its executable, there is no such delay.
After a Windows-closedown and fresh startup, the first time BSPlayer is executed (in either way) there is a delay again.
I (re)tried with build 809, but with same result!
I did not actively install any new programs lately.
Could perhaps also be related to (automated) updates of Windows or Norton Firewall/AntiVirus??
Or course Norton is updating quite frequently. I know there has/have also been Windows update(s) recently, so I wonder?
Maybe there is a common denominator.
I'm running WinMe and Norton2003 Firewall/Antivirus (and surely have sufficient memory (1024 MB) and graphics- and CPU-power (Athlon XP 2800+) etc).
Mark Blue and paraver and disptr (and others with similar experience) what are your data?
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