Thread: Translations
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Old 23rd February 2005
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Hereunder the language file for today's version 1.20 build 815.
Unfortunately I've been unable to thoroughly test e.g. if all texts "fit" in the space reserved for them, as the new build causes problems to my PC and I have to restore (I use GoBack3.1) my system (Win-Me) every time - upon boot-up - if I've opened build 815 of BSPlayer (either Pro or Free version) in an earlier session. As a result I had to download the new version three times and also to redo my translations of the new texts three times, as these were "undone" by my system-restores. So I decided to "consolidate" for the time being and I rolled back to build 814 as I've no time at present to further investigate what may be the cause of my problem.
Anyhow for Dutch-speaking users that do not have my problem: here's the Dutch language file.
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