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Old 27th September 2005
adicoto adicoto is offline
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1. You have a newer version of L3codeca.acm, wich is the MP3 (Layer 3 codec advanced) hacked decoder. You can say yes to overwrite, the codec is better than the one you have, trust me.
2. Go to start->all programs->divx->divx codec->configuration utility->quality settings.
3. Go to start->all programs->xvid->decoder configure->FourCC support
4. If the file is out of synch, then somwhere it has a small gap. When playing there is no problem in decoding. But VirtualDub detects it.
5. They say no restriction ? And do you believe them ? I don't. Never seen a resolution other than one that can be divided by 2.

But install divx3.11 and all should work ok.

PS I've seen that DivX6 doesn't support Div3 any more. I have a lot of files encoded by me using div3. So I stick to 5,21
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