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Old 9th August 2006
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Default Re: Color controls not being saved

Originally Posted by tromik
Problem: BS Player doesn't remember my Color Control settings. I check the checkbox "Remember settings," but when I start a new video (dbl-clicking on the video), or close and restart BS Player, my settings are gone. When my settings are changed, everything is set to "0," not BS Player's default settings.

Now, when I open a video I've previously set the color controls for, they are remembered.
Don't shoot me if I'm wrong but I get the impression you're talking about the box "Remember movie settings" On [General]-tab under (rightclick >) Options > Preferences.
In stead you should check [Remember settings] box in the south-west corner of (rightclick >) Video > Color controls. (Works for me (using DivX 5.2.1 as decoder).)
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