Question: is the editor indeed "permanently detached" and no longer (also) available through BS.Player's menus like it used to be?
(See picture: green frame=extra option in menu like it used to be; red frame shows present situation: no longer present in subtitles menu, but only as a "detached utility" through i.a. [Start] > [Program files] > [Webteh] ...etc.)
Just want to be sure before I make an entry in "Feature request and suggestions" forum that it has nothing to do with my personal settings. (I would like to have the menu-option as well (similar to capture which function can also be reached both ways); in fact
I already reported its absence as a bug in BSPlayer's GUI.)
(Yes, as the picture shows, I've four versions installed permanently (in fact five if you include the BSPlayer2.0 Alpha version -not shown-, but I never use that any more); I can use all four of them. Actually I access them through links in a folder on my desktop and not through [Start]. Only when switching from present version to Pro 141 version (or back) I must make sure (as the XML-files are incompatible) to rename the relative BSplayer's folder in C:\Documents and Settings\[MyName]\Application Data for which purpose I simply made a separate link. I could - of course - now opt to store settings-data in BSPlayers installation folder, so that I needn't even bother about that anymore. But I don't make that particular switch that often anyhow. Only to occasionally test for other users.)