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Old 14th July 2007
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Originally Posted by Adriano10
I think NFS Most Wanted did something with my display settings, nothing were installed before orange color appeared. I watched movie and everything was Ok, then decided to install the game, played a little bit, and after that when I opened videofile that orange color appeared.
Like I said: "Maybe it changed your integrated graphics settings to optimize for that game."
Originally Posted by Adriano10
I noticed that in your last version where OSD settings System time and Name of file have to be replaced on each other
First and foremost: it isn't my last version. I have nothing to do with the creation and further development of BSPlayer. I'm not a member of BSPlayer's team. I'm just a user, like you! Then: what exactly are you trying to tell with respect to OSD? The user can now choose itself what he/she wants to be displayed as OSD-information. There are nine options under (rightclick >) Options > Preferences > Video > [OSD options] (one of these options actually shows something different from what it says; I included it in my bug-report.)

Anyhow: .... all's well that ends well!
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