Define ads:
Ads are optional applications, which are in some cases are unwanted, that need to be installed in other programs. And work as parasites, offering none or almost none additional features.
IE/FireFox already have a search feature. The only added feature is the controls for the player. Which is great, but isn't BS.Player a video player? Video is always on the screen and so are the controls in the video window. This makes the controls in the controlbar obsolete.
So both the search and control features are obsolete, making the toolbar obsolete. So all remains is the always visible logo of "BS.Player" and an ad for your search engine, which really looks like it's powered by Google.
Is it ad-supported? Yes, but this time it's an ad created by the developpers of the program. Is that ad optional? Luckily, yes! Is there any difference with a third party ad? Yes, but that doesn't make it any better.
But it doesn't matter, it's optional now.
No reason to be angry, it's free again!