Bugs or cosmetical issues re GUI/translation of BS.Player beta 200811nnnnnn, resp. 2.33.977 final, resp. 2.34.980 beta.
13-11-2008: FIXED in 2.33.977]
:arrow: (beta) right-click on video window causes BS.Player to immediately exit without any warning or whatever. Main window
:arrow: Selection of Radio and TV tags opens ML-window, but has no effect on the extension at the right of main window. There the background of Radio or TV tag should switch to lighter grey like it does for another selection and - if applicable - the section at the right should slide back to its initial position, i.e. be "reattached directly to the main (blue) window" (if such is not the case by the earlier selection of another tag (video/dvd/audio)).
12-11-2008: FIXED in beta 200811120046]
Menu / Options / Preferences > General > File types :arrow: Slidebars of Internal file icon and Tray icon should start at the same horizontal position :arrow: title "Tray icon" should be positioned similar to (i.e. aligned with) "File icon" :arrow: placing of "Enqueue as default action" between the icon options is odd
. . . (Maybe move to General settings? Or to Playlist?)
Menu / Options / Preferences > Subtitles :arrow: The tags [Primary subtitles] [Secondary subtitles] remain untranslated [
12-11-2008: FIXED in beta 200811120046]
:arrow: Border of the buttons [Font][Color][Background] should be transparent (or background matching grey)
Menu / Options / Preferences > Keydefinitions & WinLIRC
:arrow: Border of button "Reset to default" should be transparent (or background matching grey)
Codec manager (at start up)
:arrow: No translations.
Full screen skin - Fonts
:arrow: Space for "Font" (at top) unnecessarily narrow; should be as wide as possible (with centred text);
. . . also this link "Font" actually corresponds with function 'Load subtitles'
. . . (is it intended and supposed to be a link? Supposedly not I think.)
:arrow: hover over Font, Background Left & Right corresponds with text "Exit"
. . . [
13-11-2008: ~Fixed~ in 2.33.977]
:arrow: Clicking on Background Left &or Right corresponds with function 'About'
. . . [
13-11-2008: in 2.33.977 it doesn't seem to do anything]
:arrow: texts "prev font" and "next font" untranslated
:arrow: texts "subtitle color", "color-" and "color+" untranslated
Full screen skin - Aspect Ratio [:arrow: Space for "Original" unnecessarily narrow; should be as wide as possible (with centred text)[
13-11-2008: FIXED in 2.33.977]
ADDED 14-11-2008:
:arrow: If e.g. 4:3 is clicked, this should either be reflected below "Custom"
. . . or (alternatively) the ratio which may be shown below "Custom" should be wiped
That's it for now folks!
[FIXED]12-11-2008 ADDED for beta 200811120046: Menu / Options / Preferences > Frame and thumbnail capture :arrow: texts on the right-hand part of the window remain untranslated: Thumbnails width (pixels), rows, Number of chapters generated, Create files in the same folder as open file, Create files in temporary folder, Clear chapter thumbnail cache. ADDED 14-11-2008: Media Library > (rightclick)
:arrow: ID3 tags: No translation for texts of "File info", i.e.:
. . . "Size", "Length", "Bitrate", "Sample rate" & "Channels"
:arrow: Typo in English text: "Enqeue selection" should be "Enqueue selection"
ADDED 14-11-2008: Full screen skin (General remark)
:arrow: change of language not effective before exit/restart of BS.Player
ADDED 20-11-2008:
:arrow: When (under XP) Rendering mode EVR (Vista) is selected and trying to open a video:
. . . Untranslated "Warning" pop-up window:
. . . "Failed to allocate subtitle surface. / Subtitles will not be available."
. . . (By the way: video does play.)
ADDED 12-12-2008:
:arrow: When changing rendering mode while video playing:
. . . Untranslated "Error" pop-up window: "please close movie first"
[14-12-2008: FIXED in beta 200812142012]ADDED 12-12-2008: Menu / Options / Preferences :arrow: "Streaming" not available for translation in language file (previous post "BS.Player 2.3 bugs re GUI/translation" overhere)