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Old 14th November 2008
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Originally Posted by SupergamE
evr works perfect but the subtitle are in the middle of the screen...
the vobsub also kicks in and i see the subtitles twice.
when i had nvidia display card the direct draw worked ok
With nVidia you probably used the nView clone mode (or dual view)?
Now you use Ati's theatre mode?
I think you can control Vobsub (and prevent it from "kicking in"):
(rightclick > ) Options > Preferences > Subtitles > [VobSub]
[Other settings which may be of possible influence are the top two on [Subtitle properties]-tag of Preferences > Subtitles and on (rightclick > ) Options > Preferences > Filter management [General]]
Question: can you move the subs down by depressing [Shift]+[Arrow Down]?
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