The info on which skin is (to be) used is stored by BS.Player in a file "BSplayer.xml".
Depending on what you selected at installation of BS.Player this file may e.g. be present in the folder
C:\Documents and Settings\[YourName]\Application Data\BSplayer [PRO]\
or in BS.Player's installation folder (default C:\Program Files\Webteh\BSPlayer[pro]\.
Maybe you don't have proper (writing) rights?
Or are you a Vista-user and is UAC (user account control) perhaps playing a trick on you?
[A "raw" method to force your preference is e.g. edit (while BS.Player is inactive!) BSplayer.xml manually (e.g. in Notepad search for "<Skin type="string">
Base</Skin>"); note this may be tricky; if something goes wrong, just rename the file and BS.Player will create a new one the next time around; however, you will have lost all your non-default settings then) or read this post: ]