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Old 24th May 2009
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Hey guys.
A few things.
I am aware it is not the same thing.
Maybe a better example would have been what happens when you open a pdf file with Adobe Reader and while e.g. reading page 5 of that pdf-document you (try to) load that same document (i.e. nothing happens).
Further: Walt Disney's issue does in itself not concern multi-instances.
So to keep matters clear I would suggest to separate matters.
I understood from his initial post of this tread that what Walt Disney wants to accomplish is that the file he is currently playing (re)starts playing from the beginning of that file. I also understood that from his remark:
p.s. maybe i'm watching a film and then i find a subtitle for that film . I bookmarked the film and then, doubleclick the film again to load it again with the subtitle but not anymore .... "
Exactly thàt (a restart from the beginning) happens - at least with me - when pressing STOP followed by PLAY, irrespective whether the option "Close file when 'Stop' button is pressed" is selected or deselected. (The only difference may be an intermediate question re downloading of the subtitles).
So as a "solution" for his problem (and looking at what I think he wants to achieve) I suggested as I did.
However, Walt Disney responded that, also when following the suggested "STOP-PLAY method", BS.Player still does not act as expected (in other words it does not then start playback from the beginning). Thàt is something I cannot reproduce. (I'm still curious if you can?)
Now, what Tizio discovered seems a somewhat different issue (though it may have some relation to what Walt Disney reported).
Maybe we should separate issues concerning multi-instances enabled or disabled. I'm afraid it otherwise may get rather confusing.
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